Runner’s Knee and How It’s Treated

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Runner’s knee is a general term used for a number of specific knee conditions, including patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS.) This condition can be quite common with the repeated stress of running.1,2

Here is what runners should know about the condition known as runner’s knee as well as how to treat and prevent this type of painful injury.

Causes of Runner’s Knee

The structure of the legs contributes to the development of runner’s knee, and symptoms can arise when the joint is misaligned, like when the patella(knee-cap) no longer glides seamlessly along the femoral groove in the thighbone.3 Feet with high arches, very flat feet, and knees that turn inwards or outwards can also cause the condition.4

Runners may also develop runner’s knee if they have tight hamstrings and calves because when these muscles are tight and paired with weak quadriceps, the knee can become misaligned. Those who run very frequently and long distances are at an increased risk as well.

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Symptoms of Runner’s Knee

Individuals who are diagnosed with runner’s knee describe the pain as tenderness around the center of the kneecap.1,5 Pain can also be felt at the back of the knee, and some runners feel like one or both knees is “giving out” when they have this condition. Swelling of the joints or a grinding sensation in the joint may occur as well.

This type of pain originates from the kneecap after the patellar tendon is subjected to repetitive and lengthening loading by the quadriceps. Studies have found that young, female recreational runners are most likely to develop runner’s knee, and running downhill can make the condition worse. Women typically have wider hips, which creates a larger angle from the knee to the thighbone and causes more stress on the kneecap.7

Treatments for Runner’s Knee

Once knee pain strikes, a runner should cut back on the running distance to lessen the load on the knees.1,6,7 It may be time to invest in some new running shoes or supportive orthotics if knee pain persists. JointFlex is a powerful pain relief cream trusted by runners, and its exclusive Fusome® skin delivery technology is designed to deliver the healing ingredients quickly and safely to the skin.

It may help to ice the knee to reduce pain and swelling for 20-30 minutes every few hours on consecutive days. Wrapping the knee in an elastic bandage, elevating it, and taking anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen may help with the symptoms as well.

How to Prevent Runner’s Injuries

Fortunately, there are many ways that athletes can prevent runner’s knee injuries before they strike. It’s important to strengthen the quadriceps with weight training exercises and stretch before and after running to loosen up tight hamstrings.7 Strength training exercises for the hips and core muscles have shown to improve knee function and reduce knee pain as well.

Soft surfaces, like dirt, grass, and rubberized tracks are easier on the knees,8 and running experts recommend limiting mileage increases to 10 percent per week and gradually adding hills to runs.9 Short strides on hills help protect the knee once the injury has healed enough to increase mileage again.

It’s also worth mentioning that not only runners are affected by runner’s knee and that walking, biking, jumping, and other exercises can cause these symptoms as well. That’s why it’s so important to listen to one’s body and consult a trusted medical professional if knee pain does not subside with the treatments and preventative measures highlighted here.

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1. Patellofemoral pain syndrome (Runner’s knee). Johns Hopkins Medicine. Retrieved October 26, 2018 from,P07841.
2. Patellofemoral pain syndrome. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Retrieved October 26, 2018 from–conditions/patellofemoral-pain-syndrome/.
3. O’Brien, K. B. Runner’s knee. The Nemours Foundation. Retrieved October 26, 2018 from
4. Levy, J. (2016 December 29). Pronation problems: Signs, causes & ways to correct these common posture issues. Dr. Axe. Retrieved October 26, 2018
5. Khadavi, M. (2016 January 20). What you need to know about runner’s knee. Sports Health. Retrieved October 26, 2018 from
6. Khadavi, M. (2016 November 4). Treatment of runner’s knee. Sports Health. Retrieved October 26, 2018 from
7. Levy, J. (2016 December 29). Natural treatment for runner’s knee (Hint, surgery is almost always unnecessary). Dr. Axe. Retrieved October 26, 2018 from
8. Top 10 running surfaces. Runner’s World. Retrieved October 26, 2018 from
9. Burfoot, A. (2001 November 14). The 10-Percent rule. Runner’s World. Retrieved October 26, 2018 from

Why Athletes May Develop Osteoarthritis

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Athletes who practice a wide variety of sports begin to build up an enhanced tolerance to pain because performance requires pushing their bodies to the limit.1 Meanwhile, athletes also have a higher probability than the average person to develop osteoarthritis due to the constant and intense pressure put on their joints.2,3 These two facts can make it possible that an athlete won’t even realize the symptoms of osteoarthritis are beginning to present themselves and may continue to compete through the pain anyway.

Here is an explanation of why athletes who have high pain tolerances and constantly put wear and tear on their joints could be at a higher risk of osteoarthritis.

How High Pain Tolerances Develop

A study published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology tested the effects of acetaminophen prior to exercise among a group of cyclists performing sprint intervals.4 The results concluded that exercise is regulated by the perception of pain and that athletes with a higher pain tolerance can often perform better.

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Over time, athletes boost their threshold for pain by engaging in difficult practice performances early in the training schedule to build up the legs, lungs, and other required muscles. High-intensity workouts through hard interval training that push the body to fatigue will also increase an athlete’s pain tolerance.5

Additional Symptoms of Osteoarthritis

In addition to pain, there are many other symptoms of osteoarthritis that are important for athletes to be aware of. Even if the pain seems manageable, other symptoms may raise a red flag and encourage an athlete to consult a doctor.

Osteoarthritis can also cause a clicking sound when a joint is bent and swelling around particular joints. A grating sound when using a joint is also a common symptom.6 Since the limited range of motion associated with osteoarthritis tends to go away with movement, athletes will notice more stiffness when they aren’t working out.

Long-Term Health Problems of Untreated Osteoarthritis

If osteoarthritis persists and is left untreated, the symptoms will get worse and begin to impact athletic performance. Over time, athletes may become less flexible because of prolonged limited range of motion.

Many athletes don’t realize that they have osteoarthritis until they suffer a fall, which causes a bone to break. Broken bones take a long time to fully heal, which can put athletes out of the game for a significant amount of time. As athletes’ activity is hindered while they wait for the bones to heal, stiffness can set in and their range of movement can be severely affected because of their undiagnosed osteoarthritis.

Diagnosing and Treating Osteoarthritis in Athletes

It may be harder to initially diagnose athletes who have high pain tolerances with a medical condition like osteoarthritis, but the treatments are largely the same as when present in less active individuals. Although there is no definitive cure for osteoarthritis, there are measures athletes can take to ease symptoms and prevent future bone deterioration.7

Pain relief creams like JointFlex can help osteoarthritis sufferers relieve pain and get back to the sports they love. Exercise is a great way to strengthen the bones, but athletes may need to scale their workouts back to accommodate their condition.8,9 Exercises like yoga and tai chi are great for improving balance to prevent future falls, and physical therapy can help individuals strengthen muscles around joints. Antiresorptive and anabolic medications are sometimes prescribed to reduce bone loss and support bone growth, as well as surgical procedures involving injections and realignment in severe cases.

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1. Pen, L. & Fisher, C. A. (1994). Athletes and pain tolerance. Sports Medicine, 18, 318-329. Retrieved November 2, 2018 from Springer Link
2. Thrasybule, L. (2011 December 16). Elite athletes at greater risk for arthritis. Reuters. Retrieved November 2, 2018 from
3. Amoako, A. O. & Pujalte, G. G. A. (2014 May 22). Osteoarthritis in young, active, and athletic individuals. Clinical Medicine Insights: Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Disorders, 7, 27-32. Retrieved November 2, 2018 from National Center for Biotechnology Information
4. Foster, J., Taylor, L., Chrismas, B. C. R., Watkins, S. L., & Mauger, A. R. (2014 January). The influence of acetaminophen on repeated sprint cycling performance. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 114, 41-48. Retrieved November 2, 2018 from Springer Link
5. O’Leary, T. J., Collett, J., Howells, K., & Morris, M. G. (2017 November). The influence of acetaminophen on repeated sprint cycling performance. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 117, 2201-2210. Retrieved November 2, 2018 from Springer Link
6. Osteoarthritis. National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases. Retrieved November 2, 2018 from
7. Kontzias, A. (2017 July). Osteoarthritis (OA). The Merck Manual: Consumer Version. Retrieved November 1, 2018 from,-joint,-and-muscle-disorders/joint-disorders/osteoarthritis-oa.
8. Recommended activities. Arthritis Foundation. Retrieved November 1, 2018 from
9. Physical activity for arthritis. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved November 2, 2018 from

How Water Sports Eliminate Pressure on Joints

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Although exercise is crucial to the human body, some types of workouts can actually make joint pain worse. For chronic joint pain sufferers, low-impact exercises that don’t place stress on tender joints are often recommended.1

Here are some details about how water sports like swimming and water aerobics can help people stay healthy and active while eliminating pressure on their joints.

Swimming and Joint Health

Swimming is a great low-impact, a moderate-intensity workout that can help reduce joint stiffness and strengthen the muscles around the joints. It can also strengthen bones and support overall health. According to a study published in The Journal of Rheumatology, swimming is an ideal exercise for people with arthritis for these reasons.2

Swimming works out different muscle groups at the same time and builds lean muscle, which is important for the metabolism.3 People who are new to swimming should consider taking a swim lesson to learn about the various swim strokes. Some strokes may be better suited to the type of joint pain that one suffers from.

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Water Aerobics and Joint Health

Doing laps in the pool isn’t the only way to exercise and reduce stiffness in the joints with the aid of water. Water aerobics is a fun way to increase the heart rate without putting stress on the joints. With other types of non-water exercises where the feet hit the ground, excess strain in placed on the hips, knees, ankles, and back.3 Water is buoyant and supports the body weight as well as reduces the risk of repetitive stress injuries and over-extension.

These types of classes often involve props like pool noodles, flotation belts, water weights, and kickboards to carry out the exercises. Furthermore, they have both cardio and strength training components to build strength, boost endurance, and increase flexibility at the same time. This is an excellent way to burn calories, reduce blood pressure, relieve stress, and perhaps even make new friends while taking it easy on the joints.

Other Water Sports for Variety

It is important to add variety to workouts to use different muscle groups, prevent boredom, and stay motivated. Fortunately, there are many other types of water sports suitable for all skill levels besides swimming and water aerobics as well.

These are some other water sports to consider to switch up a workout routine and challenge the body in entirely new ways.

  • Snorkeling
  • Scuba diving
  • Water polo
  • Aquajogging
  • Synchronized swimming

Additional Joint Support

While water sports may help reduce joint pain, arthritis sufferers and athletes may require addition joint support to continue engaging in the activities they love. JointFlex provides immediate and long-lasting relief for many types of joint issues that are caused by inflammation and stress over time. This formula provides deep penetration and powerful relief when applied to painful regions of the body.

Hydrotherapy with warm water can ease the pressure on the joints, and cryotherapy can reduce swelling when pain first begins to strike.4,5,6 Other ways to relieve joint pain include massages and getting plenty of rest to enable the body to naturally repair itself.7,8,9

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1. Winters, C. Fifteen ways to work out with arthritis. Arthritis Foundation. Retrieved November 1, 2018 from
2. Alkatan, M., Baker, J. R., Machin, D. R., Park, W., Akkari, A.S., Pasha, E. P., & Tanaka, H. (2016 March). Improved function and reduced pain after swimming and cycling training in patients with osteoarthritis. The Journal of Rheumatology, 43, 663-672. DOI: Retrieved November 1, 2018 from National Center for Biotechnology Information
3. Swimming – health benefits. Better Health Channel. Retrieved November 1, 2018 from
4. Aquatics. Arthritis Foundation. Retrieved November 1, 2018 from
5. Warm water works wonders on pain. Arthritis Foundation. Retrieved November 1, 2018 from
6. Cryotherapy (cold therapy) for pain management. Johns Hopkins Medicine. Retrieved November 1, 2018 from,95.
7. Foltz-Gray, D. Fight arthritis pain without pills. Arthritis Foundation. Retrieved November 1, 2018 from
8. Bernstein, S. Benefits of massage. Arthritis Foundation. Retrieved November 1, 2018 from
9. Sleep and pain. Arthritis Foundation. Retrieved November 1, 2018 from

Joint Pain Related to Biking & Cycling

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There’s nothing quite like going for a long bike ride to work the body, clear the mind, and enjoy the great outdoors. Many avid cyclists are afraid to continue their passion for biking once they receive an arthritis diagnosis. But for arthritis sufferers, cycling can be one of the best low-impact aerobic exercises that they can do to keep their joints healthy and strong.

Can Cycling Lower The Risk of Arthritis?

Compared to other types of exercise, cycling may actually be able to prevent or delay the onset of arthritis before it becomes symptomatic.1,2,3 One orthopedic surgeon, Rob Middleton, has written about how cycling regularly can prevent muscle from wasting away, delay the onset of arthritis, and reduce arthritis’ effects.4 Although professional cyclists often exhibit arthritis symptoms,5 people who bike at normal and moderate levels have an advantage over those who never hop on a bike.1,2

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The Movements of Cycling

However, unlike walking or running, cycling is a more “unnatural” activity for the human body. A bicycle is a man-made transportation and recreation device that the body must adapt to over time. But the advantage here is that bikes can be designed to promote optimal joint health and put less strain on the joints for longer rides.1,2,6

Also unlike running or walking, which can be painful for people who have arthritis pain in the feet, ankles, and hips, cycling works the knees more than anything else. The knees are the largest joints in the body and are typically stronger than other joints that are smaller and weaker. Dr. Middleton has also explained how non-load bearing exercises, like cycling, are often more beneficial than even using high-tech stem-cell treatment and nanotechnology to repair joints.4

The Importance of Strengthening the Legs

One reason that cycling is so good for arthritis sufferers is that by strengthening the muscles in the legs, joints are the knees are simultaneously being kept healthy and strong.6 Strong legs are generally less prone to developing arthritis, and arthritis pain symptoms are often more manageable.

To build up cycling strength, there are certain leg exercises that can be done to support joint, bone, and muscle health.7 Body weight exercises, like planks with different variations, can help cycling strength and confidence. Lunges, squats, leg lifts, burpees, and single-leg deadlifts are also great strengthening exercises to support the legs.

Preventative Measures for Cyclists

Although cycling is a recommended exercise for arthritis sufferers, there are some preventative measures that cyclists should be aware of. To alleviate pain in your joints and make it easier to pedal on your bike, use JointFlex before your ride, especially on your knees. Knee injuries and pain may be prevented by building up your pedaling time gradually, adjusting your seat height, and pedaling in lower gears.

But it’s important to remember that many joints get worked when you bike, not just your knees. To prevent hand pain from gripping the handlebars, change hand positions frequently and wear padded gloves to reduce the vibrations.8 To prevent shoulder pain, build up to longer rides slowly and keep your elbows flexed to reduce shocks to the arms and shoulders. Stretching before and after your rides is also a smart idea to warm up and cool down your joints.

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1. Biking is great for your joints. Arthritis Foundation. Retrieved October 25, 2018 from
2. Biking. Arthritis Foundation. Retrieved October 25, 2018 from
3. Cycling – health benefits. Better Health Channel. Retrieved October 25, 2018 from
4. MacMichael, S. (2011 December 15). Regular cycling can ward off arthritis and reduce effects, says hospital consultant and orthopaedic surgeon. Road.CC. Retrieved October 25, 2018 from
5. Thrasybule, L. (2011 December 16). Elite athletes at greater risk for arthritis. Reuters. Retrieved October 25, 2018 from
6. The top 5 benefits of cycling. Harvard Health Publishing. Retrieved October 25, 2018 from
7. Kehlenbach, D. 8 Single-leg exercises to increase cycling power. Active. Retrieved October 25, 2018 from
8. Cycling – preventing injury. Better Health Channel. Retrieved October 25, 2018 from

Joint Pain Related to Bodybuilding & Weightlifting

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Hardcore bodybuilders and weightlifters often experience joint pain from working out from strains and injuries over the years.1,2,3 But ironically, strength training is an essential part of keeping joints healthy and strong.4 When exercising on a regular basis, keep the muscles that surround your joints strong and lubricated, thereby controlling swelling, pain, and bone loss due to arthritis.5

Are Bodybuilders More Prone to Arthritis?

Bodybuilders often feel pain in their back, neck, and shoulders. This could be due to overtraining, a lack of stretching, or signs of the onset arthritis.1,2,3 These pains get worse with age, especially when people get into their 40’s and beyond.6

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But in fact, a lack of exercise leads to the onset of arthritis much more than exercising.7 The problems with weightlifting lie in lifting weights that are too heavy and practicing improper form.1,2,3 When lifting within a body’s means building up weight gradually, close attention needs to be paid to form and bodily responses. When done correctly, weightlifting is a healthy and beneficial exercise for joints.

Repetitive Movements and Joint Health

Although some people fear that repetitive movements, like weightlifting, actually cause arthritis, many types of resistance training and lifting weights promote joint health.8 One of many studies that investigated the joint health of competitive weightlifters found that a vast majority of people who lift weights have healthier joints that people their age who don’t.

If new to weightlifting, don’t’ be intimidated by all the big weights and heavy machines. Instead, start with everyday items around the house, like cans of soup, bags of flour, and even a body’s own weight.

Stretches for Bodybuilders

As with any type of exercise, it’s important to stretch before and after weightlifting to prevent injury, soreness, and joint pain after working out.9 Decide which muscle group the work out is going to focus on and stretch those muscles in particular for five to 10 minutes before lifting. It’s a smart idea to do static stretches, which involve holding a stretch for 15 to 30 seconds, instead of doing ballistic stretches that can wear on joints.

Before diving into reps and sets, a five to 10-minute warm up will get joints prepped, blood pumping, and heart rate up.10 Experienced bodybuilders often lift heavy weight for fewer reps, but this technique should only be practice with experience. For an occasional or moderate lifter, it’s better on joints to lower the weight and do more reps – say 10 to 15 repetitions per set to build strength and muscle.

Other Non-Pain-Medication Solutions for Bodybuilders

To prepare your joints for lifting, rub JointFlex into your issue areas before you hit the gym and soothe pain away once your workout is over. Mobility exercises, like using a foam roller and doing yoga, are important for bodybuilders to increase range of motion and prevent bodybuilding knee pain.

Rest days are important to incorporate into your weightlifting schedule to give your joints a break, and ice and heat may help with issues of inflammation and blood flow.11 Massages can also help soothe sore joints and muscles after training without relying on pain medications, which can cause unwanted side effects and drug interactions.

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1. Lavallee, M. E. & Balam, T. (2010 September-October). An overview of strength training injuries: acute and chronic. Current Sports Medicine Reports, 9, 307-313. Retrieved October 20, 2018 from
2. Mazur, L. J., Yetman, R. J., & Risser, W. L. (1993 July). Weight-training injuries. Common injuries and preventative methods. Sports Medicine, 16, 57-63. Retrieved October 17, 2018 from National Center of Biotechnology Information
3. Brink, W. (2018 July 26). Joint troubles? Retrieved October 18, 2018
4. Strength training builds more than muscles. Harvard Health Publishing. Retrieved October 18, 2018 from
5. Melone, L. 3 Simple Weightlifting Moves. Arthritis Foundation. Retrieved October 18, 2018 from
6. Arthritis: Risk factors. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved October 17, 2018 from
7. Bartlett, S. (2018 January 18). Role of exercise in arthritis management. Arthritis Center at Johns Hopkins. Retrieved October 18, 2018
8. Does exercise contribute to arthritis? Research says no. Harvard Health Publishing. Retrieved October 18, 2018 from
9. Kokkonen, J., Nelson, A., Tarawhiti, T., Buckingham, P., & Winchester, J. (2010 February). Early-Phase resistance training strength gains in novice lifters are enhanced by doing static stretching. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 24, 502-506. Retrieved October 18, 2018 from
10. Barroso, R., Silva-Batista, C., Tricoli, V., Roschel, H., & Ugrinowitsch, C. (2013 April). The effects of different intensities and durations of the general warm-up on leg press 1RM. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 27, 1109-1113 Retrieved October 20, 2018 from
11. Kuhland, J. 7 essential elements of Rest and recovery. Retrieved October 18, 2018 from

Joint Pain Related to Running & Jogging

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If you suffer from arthritis pain, the last thing you might expect to help is going for a run or a jog. Some people are lifelong runners that can’t imagine their days without a good run. Others may receive a recommendation from their doctors to give aerobic exercise a try to loosen up their joints and get their bodies moving in a healthy way. Fortunately, there are some effective stretches and non-pain-medication solutions to alleviating your pain if you enjoy going for runs.

Are Runners More Likely to Develop Arthritis?

Many people are concerned that repetitive exercise, such as running, could damage their joints over time. However, studies show that repetitive movements can actually be good for joints.

An Australian study that involved 297 men and women without knee injuries or disease showed that the ones who performed the most vigorous weight-bearing exercise had the healthiest knee cartilage.1,2

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Another study was conducted in 2008 that found no evidence that running and other similar exercises cause arthritis in a vast majority of people.3 When compared to a non-runner control group, runners experienced significantly less musculoskeletal disability than their less active counterparts, and the runners also had a 39% lower mortality rate.

However, when damaged joints are caused by arthritis,4 the high-velocity impacts of running can cause more harm to them.5 Lower impact aerobic exercises, like cycling and swimming, maybe better recommendations for arthritis sufferers, especially those with pain in the knees and hips.

Running and Arthritis of the Hips

Another question that often comes up is if arthritis of the knees makes runners more prone to arthritis of the hips. But in fact, studies have shown that both knee and hip arthritis develop at a similar pace among both runners and non-runners.6

To prevent hip pain and hip damage while running, avoid hard asphalt and concrete surfaces as much as possible. Instead, run on softer surfaces, such as dirt trails and rubberized artificial running tracks.7

Stretches for Runners

Regardless of the severity of arthritis pain, stretching both before and after a run is crucial.8 Recommended stretches for before a run includes, a few leg swings by holding onto a chair and swinging each leg forward and back and a few walking lunges to prepare the body’s hips and knees for activity.

After a run, do a few standing quad stretches and standing calf stretches.9 The heel should be guided towards the buttocks to stretch the quads and the hands should hold the ball of each foot against a wall to stretch the calves. Then kneel down and place one leg out in front to stretch over it and alleviate tight hamstrings and hip flexors. Doing 10 to 15 minutes of yoga before and after a run can also help keep joints flexible and avoid injury and strains.

Other Non-Pain-Medication Solutions for Runners

In addition to stretching regularly, there are quite a few other effective non-pain medication solutions that runners can pursue to subdue or alleviate their arthritis symptoms. Before or after your run, rub JointFlex’s arthritis pain relief cream into your knees and hips to make it easier to move and keep symptoms at bay.

Getting acupuncture may help to alleviate your arthritis pain as well, and natural supplements, like fish oil and ginger, may help because they have anti-inflammatory properties.10,11 It’s always important to talk with your doctor about your level of physical activity and your running goals so that you can devise a pain management strategy that enables you to continue the active lifestyle you love.

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1. Does exercise contribute to arthritis? Research says no. Harvard Health Publishing. Retrieved October 26, 2018 from
2. Wang, Y., Wluka, A. E., English, D. R., Teichtahl, A. J., Giles, G. G., O’Sullivan, R., & Cicuttini, F. M. (2007). Kontzias, A. (2017 July). Body composition and knee cartilage properties in healthy, community-based adults. Annals of Rheumatic Diseases, 66, 1244-1248. Retrieved October 26, 2018 from
3. Chakravarty, E. F., Hubert, H. B., Lingala, V. B., & Fries, J. F. (2008 August). Reduced disability and mortality among aging runners: a 21-year longitudinal study. Archives of Internal Medicine, 168, 1638-1646. Retrieved October 26, 2018 from National Center of Biotechnology Information
4. Arthritis. MedlinePlus. Retrieved October 26, 2018 from
5. Physical activity for arthritis. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved October 26, 2018 from
6. Lane, N. E. & Buckwalter, J. A. (2000 February). Exercise and osteoarthritis. Current Opinion in Orthopaedics, 11, 62-66. Retrieved October 26, 2018 from
7. Running. Arthritis Foundation. Retrieved October 26, 2018 from
8. Melone, L. 7 Dynamic Warm Ups. Arthritis Foundation. Retrieved October 26, 2018
9. Leopold, S.S. & Matsen, F. A. (2011 September). Exercise and arthritis. Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine, University of Washington. Retrieved October 26, 2018 from
10. Watson, S. Acupuncture and arthritis. Arthritis Foundation. Retrieved October 26, 2018 from
11. DeVries, C. (2015 October 15). Top 4 supplements to treat arthritis pain. Arthritis Health. Retrieved October 26, 2018 from