Arthritis Pain in the Hands & Feet

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The hands and feet are often the first body parts in which arthritis sufferers begin to experience pain. These regions have many small joints that work together to move. As arthritis worsens, so does agility, which is why it’s so frustrating to live with this condition.

Arthritis in Hands

Arthritis in the hands often feels like a dull or burning sensation.1 It can occur after periods of use, such as gripping or squeezing. It is very common to feel stiffness and pain of the hands in the morning.2,3,5

Other issues with arthritic hands are weakness and limited range of motion. This condition can make simple activities, like opening jars and typing on a computer, nearly impossible.4

There are several exercises that can keep hands healthy and strong.6 Make a fist and then release the tension, bend each finger individually to exercise each join – and don’t forget the thumbs!

Since arthritis in the hands is often accompanied by arthritis in the wrists, it is important to stretch the wrists and apply a powerful pain relief cream, like JointFlex.

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Arthritis in Feet

There are 28 bones in the foot and over 30 joints that help them move.7 The Arthritis Foundation shares that about half of adults in their 60s and 70s have arthritis pain in their feet.8 Often, the symptoms of arthritic foot pain can begin as early as age 40.9 This can make walking very difficult and can limit mobility. Applying a pain relief cream, like JointFlex, can help alleviate the symptoms.

In order to prevent arthritis and help with pain, it is important to wear supportive shoes that don’t irritate calluses or bunions.10,13 It is best to stay away from shoes that put unnecessary pressure on the balls of the feet and can make arthritis pain worse (like high heels).11

Stretching is important for people who have arthritis in any region of the body, and many people don’t think about stretching their feet and ankles.12 Wiggling and curling toes, flexing feet, and rolling ankles in circles to get the joints moving and active are all good stretches to practice. If foot arthritis worsens, orthotic devices, such as shoe inserts or a cane to remain balanced and stable while on your feet, may be needed.13

Early Warning Signs of Arthritis in the Hands and Feet

These are some of the early warning signs and symptoms of arthritis in the extremities.1,14,15

  • Dull, burning pain sensations
  • Pain with motion
  • Pain that worsens with vigorous activity
  • Changes in the surrounding joints
  • Warmth in the joints
  • Looseness in the joints
  • Cysts on the joints

Treatment for Hand and Foot Arthritis

If you begin to experience unexplained joint pain in your hands and feet, it’s important to talk to a doctor immediately because early treatment could significantly help reduce the painful effects of arthritis.15 Treatments include injections, topical creams, medications, splinting, and surgery for severe cases.16

JointFlex is an effective and non-invasive treatment that has helped many arthritis sufferers. This topical pain relief cream can substantially reduce or even eliminate arthritis pain in the hands and feet.

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1. Arthritis of the hand. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Retrieved October 17, 2018 from–conditions/arthritis-of-the-hand/.
2. What makes my joints stiff in the morning? Harvard Health Publishing. Retrieved October 18, 2018
3. Scott, J. T. (1960). Morning Stiffness in Rheumatoid Arthritis. Annals of Rheumatic Diseases, 19, 361-368. Retrieved October 18, 2018 from
4. Netto, A. P. (2016 May 13). Recognizing osteoarthritis in the hand. Veritas Health. Retrieved October 18, 2018 from
5. Osteoarthritis. MedlinePlus. Retrieved October 18, 2018 from
6. Netto, A. J. (2016 July 12). 5 Simple Ways To Manage Hand Osteoarthritis. Veritas Health. Retrieved October 19, 2018 from
7. Anatomy of the Foot. Arthritis Foundation.  Retrieved October 19, 2018 from
8. Arthritis of the foot and ankle. American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society. Retrieved October 18, 2018 from
9. You don’t have to be old to have arthritis in your feet and ankles. Alliance Foot & Ankle Specialists. Retrieved October 18, 2018 from
10. Riskowski, J., Dufour, A. B., & Hannan, M. T. (2011 March). Arthritis, foot pain & shoe wear: Current musculoskeletal research on feet. Current Opinion in Rheumatology, 23, 148-155. Retrieved October 19, 2018 from National Center for Biotechnology Information
11. Find the best and worst shoes for arthritis. Arthritis Foundation. Retrieved October 19, 2018 from
12. Foot arthritis: Exercises.  Healthwise. Retrieved October 19, 2018 from
13. Ways to prevent foot pain and get around. Arthritis Foundation. Retrieved October 19, 2018 from
14. Osteoarthritis symptoms. Arthritis Foundation. Retrieved October 19, 2018 from
15. When to make an appointment with your doctor. Arthritis Foundation. Retrieved October 19, 2018 from
16. Arthritis treatment options. Arthritis Foundation. Retrieved October 19, 2018 from  

Arthritis Pain in the Knees & Shoulders

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Two of the most overused and overworked joint areas in the body are the knees and shoulders. And unfortunately, these powerful and essential joints can experience mild, moderate, or severe arthritis pain over time.

Arthritis in Knees

The knees are the strongest and largest joints in the body, but that certainly doesn’t make them immune to arthritis. Nearly 1 in 2 people develop arthritis of the knees by age 85 years, according to the CDC.1,2 Arthritis in the knees can limit daily activities, like walking and climbing stairs.

Arthritis in the knees is often categorized as osteoarthritis,3 rheumatoid arthritis,4 and post-traumatic arthritis.3,5 However, osteoarthritis, a degenerative disease, is the most common type of arthritis and it deteriorates the joint cartilage over time.3

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Arthritis in Shoulders

There are many types of arthritis and other conditions that impact the joints in the shoulders. Osteoarthritis, for example, causes bone spurs to develop around the joints of the shoulder.3 This often happens after an injury. Rheumatoid arthritis can affect the shoulders as well, and since this condition is symmetrical, it is often experienced in both shoulders.4

There are three bones in the shoulder and two joints, both of which can be affected by arthritis.6 The pain felt in the shoulders is caused by bone-on-bone contact, which also results in stiffness, sleeplessness, and an inability to do normal activities.

It’s important to do regular shoulder stretches to boost flexibility in the shoulder joints and strengthening exercises to build up the muscles around those joints.7 Low-impact aerobic workouts can also help blood flow to the shoulder joints in pain.8

Early Warning Signs of Arthritis in the Knees and Shoulders

These are some of the early warning signs and symptoms of arthritis in these frequently overused joints.9

  • Inflammation
  • Swelling
  • Joint pain
  • Loss of function and disability
  • Tender and warm joints
  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Limping
  • Inability to lift things

Treatment for Knee and Shoulder Arthritis

Knee and shoulder arthritis are typically diagnosed by a clinical exam, X-rays, or a CT scan.3,4 Injections can offer a short-term benefit, and topical creams and medications can be recommended to dull the pain. Physical therapy is sometimes recommended for patients who have arthritis of the knees or shoulders. With a good rehabilitation plan, one can restore flexibility and range of motion to these areas. With knee arthritis, for example, it often involves exercises to strengthen the quadriceps, since strong muscles are needed to support the joints in this very active region.

Whether pain is centralized in the shoulders, knees, or both, JointFlex provides immediate and long-term relief from arthritis joint pain in an easy-to-apply topical formula that doesn’t have any burning sensation, lingering medicine smell, or greasy residue. If you are suffering from arthritis pain, try applying JointFlex to your shoulders and knees in the morning when you wake up and at night before going to bed to relieve the pain.

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1. Arthritis-related statistics. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved October 21, 2018 from
2. The Johnston County osteoarthritis project: Arthritis & disability. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved October 21,
3. Kontzias, A. (2017 July). Osteoarthritis (OA). The Merck Manual. Retrieved October 21, 2018 from,-joint,-and-muscle-disorders/joint-disorders/osteoarthritis-oa.
4. Kontzias, A. (2017 July). Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)The Merck Manual. Retrieved October 21, 2018 from,-joint,-and-muscle-disorders/joint-disorders/rheumatoid-arthritis-ra.
5. Punzi, L., Galozzi, P., Luisetto, R., Favero, M., Ramonda, R., Oliviero, F., & Scanu, A. (2016 September 6). Post-traumatic arthritis: overview on pathogenic mechanisms and role of inflammation. RMD Open: Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases, 2, e000279. Retrieved October 18, 2018 from
6. Bracilovic, A. (2011 December 2). What Is shoulder osteoarthritis (Glenohumeral arthritis)? Veritas Health. Retrieved October 21, 2018 from
7. Stretching to help arthritis pain. Harvard Health Publishing. Retrieved October 21, 2018 from
8. Winters, C. 15 ways to work out with arthritis. Arthritis Association. Retrieved October 21, 2018 from
9. Signs of arthritis. The Arthritis Society. Retrieved October 21, 2018 from
10. Physical therapy for arthritis. Arthritis Foundation. Retrieved October 21, 2018 from
11. Bracilovic, A. (2011 June 14). Knee strengthening exercises. Veritas Health. Retrieved October 21, 2018 from